June Butterfly
1 min readOct 7, 2021
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➡ They already knew my weakness

Used it against me

A little touch here and there

That was all it took to have me

My body will always melt, cave-in

Submit to their fiery touches

Like a slave to its master

My blood hot

I hated my body for always giving in

It was a total shame

➡Then I met him

At first, he wasn’t like the rest of them

Until traces of my past crept in

How was I supposed to know he was a beast

I cried day and night

Waiting for a savior

Who will come for me

A change at least

A savior from my pain

Will he be different from the rest?

Will, he ever be the prince He once was and make me His beauty?

FOOTNOTES:- This is for those going through rape, domestic violence, and abuse. This is to those who desire to mortify fornication but always find themselves back in their sin. I know your solution.

Jesus is the Solution.

It is my prayer for you today that there is peace for you, healing and freedom is at your doorstep. You are Loved 🥰

